Weight Loss Information

How to Lose Weight While Gardening

Have you ever dreaded the idea of pulling weeds, planting a tree, or pushing a lawn mower around the yard?Does just thinking about it make you sweat? I am sure the majority of are nodding your heads in agreement. What I am about to suggest only takes a slight change in your thinking and a bit of planning and you can learn how to lose weight and get in better shape while gardening this year.

Before & After: A New Look at New Years Resolutions

Have you seen the ditty below that's roaming the Internet these days? Before you read it and fall for its 'humor,' consider this. Each year, thousands, even millions, of people engage in an after-the-holidays ritual of self-denigration and punishment - to make up for the pleasurable indulgence of a very special time of year.

The No Diet Way to Lose Weight and Keep it off!

Yes, you read it right?no diets!The first step in this weight management program is to gather all of your old fad diets, quick weight loss remedies, and "magic cures". Once you have them all together in a nice, neat pile- throw them into the trash! One thing we have learned in the last 20-30 years is diets don't work and actually can make things worse.

8 Ways to Rev up Your Metabolism

Yes it's true- and so unfair. As we get older weight gain begins to creep up on us.

The Diet Demons

As the dieting phenomenon grows, with a new "diet guru" announcing "THE SOLUTION" almost weekly, so do the waste lines of America expand. Obesity is now a strong and gaining second to cigarettes as a preventable cause of death or disease.


It's the travel time, meaning hours spent sedentary. It prepares me for the visiting, when I know there'll be no activity.

Psychological Factors in Weight Management

To continue the educational series on your health and fitness lifestyle, this article is based on accredited college nutrition programs and literature based on proven science. My hope is to empower you to take responsibility for your nutrition plan.

Changing Your Eating Habits

We are bombarded with advertisements pushing delicious looking, fat filled, and obesity producing food in our faces every single day. We hear it on the radio; see it on TV and on billboards and even in newspapers.

Diet or Lifestyle?

"I am going to start a diet tomorrow". How many times have we said or heard these words? What do these words mean to you? For most of us it means a period of time in which we will subject ourselves to torture in order to lose a few pounds.

How I Lost 12 Pounds And Had Fun Doing It!

You see it all the time; people agonizing over their exercise routine. You hear people in the gym say things like; "I will be doing good when I get out of here".

Benefits Of Exercise Videos For Weight Loss

I asked my sister to come to my gym with a guest pass. She replied something to the effect of "I am in no shape to go to the gym".

Controlling Your Hunger And Losing Weight Using Meal Replacement Powders And Bars

The market is flooded with weight loss supplements that make weight loss look like an easy thing. You see a perfect bodied young man or woman giving credit to this pill or that pill.

How The Motto Be Prepared Can Help You Lose Weight

Be Prepared. For the Boy Scouts it means you are always ready in body and mind to do your duty.

Fad Diets & Weight Loss

A diet may be a fad diet or a healthy diet. People often start a fad diet for fast weight loss.

Fat Burning Foods

Are there any foods that burn body fat? If yes, how is it possible? It should be possible to lose weight by simply eating such foods. What are these foods?The fat burning foods are foods that burn more calories than the calorie content of the foods itself.

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