Weight Loss Information

Whats Really Behind the Milk Diet?

The purpose of this article is not to scrutinize, vilify, or verify the so-called Milk Diet. There are a number of resources available both online and offline which can help you and your physician decide which of the several diet plans or personalized weight loss programs is right for you.

Fifteen Secrets of Safe and Permanent Weight Loss Revealed

Fifteen Secrets of Safe and Easy Permanent Weight Loss Revealed!* Nourish Your Body* Control Your Hunger* Take Control of What You Eat and Its Nutritional Density* Lower Your Insulin Levels* Stop All Forms of Sugar* Do Not Lose Weight Quickly* Do Not Rely on Exercise to Lose Weight* Do Not Take Pills or Drugs* Do Not Have Surgery* Avoid Complicated Weight Loss Schemes with Long and Involved Recipes* Avoid Weight Loss Schemes That Weigh Portions of Food* Avoid Weight Loss Programs with Required Pre-Packaged Foods* Forget Setting Goals, Visualizing Success and Your Own Weaknesses.* Forget Personalized Diet Plans.

Dieting 101 - For Those Who Want to Start But Dont Know Where to Begin

Okay, so you've read some of these articles, done your homework and now you're finally ready to begin a diet and exercise program. But you still have this one same nagging question in the back of your mind.

A Full Scale War

It happens every morning when you mosey out of bed, somewhere between the time you take off that robe and the instant you step into the shower. For others, it happens immediately after a workout, as soon as you peel off those sweaty clothes and stand aimlessly in your birthday suit.

How Not To Lose Weight

Who really wants to lose weight? None of us, right? How much fun is it to be on a diet, deprived of all you really want and need when there is a McDonald's, Krispy Kreme or Baskin and Robbins right around the corner calling out your name? Learn to love what you've got, get more (and bigger portions) out of life and let all the skinny people fend for themselves! Following is our guide to not losing weight:1. Drive Everywhere You Go.

Low-carb Diets: Fad, Fallacy, or Fact?

The most common and popular diet fad over the past two years has undoubtedly been the low-carb diet. It has many followers, both in the U.

Fat Acceptance

With tons of information out there on "Fat Acceptance" does it do more harm than good? Being body positive and body fat are two different topics. South Beach Diet may work for one but not the other.

The Atkins Diet

IntroductionThe history of The Atkins Diet goes back to the Dr. Atkins' theory that over-consumption of and hypersensitivity to carbohydrates is the root of our problem with being overweight.

3 Guilt Free Fat Burning Food After Dinner Snacks

Want an after dinner snack? Jealously watching your family consume full-fat ice-cream, biscuits and cakes as you're reading this, and feeling left out? Then try these delicious alternatives, designed not to limit your calorie intake, but to be satisfying, providing nutrient-rich and low energy dense food.Fat Burning Snack Idea No.

Hang In There Dieters, Help Is At Hand!!

I was thinking about diets and such and it occurred to me that dieting is kind of like sports, but one way in which dieting differs from sports competition is that in dieting there seems to be a lack of gradualization in the preparation.What I'm getting at is that if you want to run the 100 metres pretty fast, even competitively, you don't just go out to the track and put in a full practice right off the bat.

Slimmer Legs... Stress-Free

Well, with the success of my article, "Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!", I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something for you, rather than generalities that come under the "same old thing" category. And, as you know if you read the article, we found a great and effective cream that does a knockout job of actually reducing wrinkles.

Who Else Wants To Lose Weight? Stop Dieting!

From personal experience I have myself like all of you at one time or another tried dieting. I have lost weight on some plans but in the long run was not able to sustain it.

The Secret of Weight Loss

In the medical community, "obesity" is generally said to be present in women with more than 30% body fat and men with more than 25% body fat. "Morbid obesity," a more serious condition still, occurs when a person is 50-100% or 100 pounds above his or her ideal body weight or has more than 39% body fat.

Choose to Lose - The Simplicity of Weight Loss and Understanding Emotional Eating

Permanent Weight loss is not about Diet. If you are looking for the latest pill, magic potion or perhaps some celebrity's amazing secrets, then you've come to the wrong page.

Obesity, Whats The Big Deal Part 4

In this issue, I am going to focus more on some of the consequences of obesity, especially as it relates to children. Although this is focusing on children, think of how it relates to you.

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Rapid Weight Loss and Arrhythmia  Mass General Brigham

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