Weight Loss Information

Doc, I Know My Arthritis Will Get Better If I Lose The Weight?. But How Do I Do It?

First? establish realistic goals. Start with a target you can hit?say? "OK, I'd like to lose five pounds in one month.

A Diet Made For You Will Make All The Difference

To achieve your goals you need a diet that takes into account who you are and what you want.People diet for lots of reasons, and with lots of aims in mind.

Weight Loss: Weight Loss is All in Your Mind!

"The kind of thoughts that you plant in your mind, determine what you produce in life." Letting negative thoughts rule your mind can never make you achieve your goal.

How Green Tea Can Help You To Lose Weight

Green tea has been highly valued in Asia for centuries for it's medical properties. In the recent years green tea benefits caught the attention of western scientists.

No Excuse on Getting in Shape

America is getting more obese every year. Even our children are becoming dangerously obese, even though we are more self conscious over our appearance.

Finally, Natural Weight Loss Availalble, Judge Lifts Ban on Ephedra

April 14, 2005 federal judge Tena Campbell of the federal district court in Salt Lake City Utah reversed the ban on ephedra.Ephedra is an herb used over 5000 years ago to treat several disorders, such as asthma and bronchitis.

Obesity is Big Business

Obesity and overweight, weight reduction and weight management therapies, miracle weight loss pills are everywhere. Open the newspaper, switch on the T.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #5

Wow! You must be on fire by now burning and churning up those calories on your way to your ideal weight. I know that taking steps to better your life is not always easy.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #6

I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You're embarking on your own journey and you astound me because you want something more, something that surpasses what you currently know.

How To Lose Weight and Stay Thin

Diet is one of the most controversial subjects around. Bring it up at a party and I can guarantee you'll have everyone's interest whether they're talking or not.

Know How Many Calories To Cut For Permanent Weight Loss

It is not recommended to lose more than 1 pound per week for healthily weight loss. The reason for this has do to with the issues which quick and drastic weight loss can have on your body's metabolism and muscle mass.

Child Obesity - Who is to Blame?

As we look around at the current generation of children, one can notice more and more that child obesity is becoming a serious problem. A combination of technology, alternative forms of entertainment and poor food choices have greatly changed the path at which our children are taking toward the future.

Little Weight Loss Goes A Long Way

From driving up your blood pressure and cholesterol, to increasing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more, there's no question that being overweight is more than just a cosmetic problem - it's a serious threat to your health.At the same time, if you're like most folks, even the thought of embarking on a 20-, 40-, or even 100-pound weight-loss plan can seem like a mountain that's impossible to climb.

Diet Soda: New Study Shows Relationship Between Diet Soda and Weight Gain

A very interesting story was reported recently by WebMD.com.

Foods That Help Burn Fat

Foods that are high in fiber and protein are the best kinds of food to consume if you want to burn fat around your waistline and tone your abs.Below you'll find a handful of foods that will help you reach your weight loss goal.

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