Weight Loss Information

What Every Woman Needs!

As a woman, your body is very complex. Throughout every phase of your life you will require extra care and nutritional support.

3 Simple Weight Loss Tips from the Pros

Tip 1) DRINK A GLASS OF WATER AFTER EACH SNACKThis will help you get in your 8 to 10 glasses of water each day but it can also have other benefits. Ever feel hungry after eating a handful or standard serving of nuts? Try drinking water afterwards.

Ghost of Binge Past

Holidays and special events should be a time of great joy, but dieters customarily imagine these occasions with dread and horror. Why? Because celebrations are not celebrations without lots of high-calorie, tempting foods.

Help! My Kids are Overweight!

If you have recently found yourself fretting over your child's waistline, you are not alone. The youth of today are fatter than ever before, and parents are starting to panic.

Dieting While Partying!

It's really difficult for a person to socialise if he is on a Diet. Totally ignoring parties and invitation is definitely not a solution.

When Dieting Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day?

How to Break the Weighing HabitFace it, if you weigh yourself more than once a day, you are a serious scale addict, and if you let the number on the scale affect how you feel, and whether it's going to be a good day, you are probably a bit too involved with that appliance. Danger, danger! Step away from the scale!The scale simply cannot tell the difference between muscle and fat, and while fat is bulky and lumpy, muscle is sleek and shapely.

A Clean Diet For Permanent Weight Loss

Getting Started on The Clean DietIf you want to lose some weight then following a healthy eating plan is a good start, but allowing someone else to dictate exactly what, when and how much you can eat is crazy making. Guidance is good but ultimately you must learn to make better choices in your eating which leads to your gaining the ability to maintain your new shape after the weight has been lost.

Heading Off Winter Weight Gain Before it Gets Started

Must We Gain Weight Every WinterIt's that time of year we all start thinking about putting on a healthy layer of fat, just like the hibernating bears. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a palpable difference in the air.

5-Step Weight Loss Program for Permanent Weight Loss

Every Journey Worth Taking Begins with a Single StepHere are five easy steps to gain control of your weight loss efforts. Start at the beginning, then take small steps, each and every day and you'll climb that mountain.

Dieting Obstacle When Life Gets in the Way

Dieting Dilemma No 1: When Life Gets in the WayThat pesky thing called life has a way of fouling up our the best laid plans. First you decide you're going to start keeping your car cleaner, thinking, "I'll wash it every Saturday morning.

How To Avoid Gaining the Holiday 7

As the holidays approach, a frequent question from my clients and subscribers is "How can I avoid gaining weight during the holidays"? Their concern is legitimate. The average American adult gains seven pounds of fat between Thanksgiving and New Years Day.

Is Pain Stopping You From Losing Weight?

If you are overweight and suffer from pain in your feet that radiates from your heel, you are not alone. Almost one quarter of overweight people suffer from plantar fasciitis, a debilitating condition that causes heel pain and can limit a person's ability to walk or exercise.

2 Ways to Start Burning fat Quickly

1. Start Exercising first thing in the morning.

Are Low Carb Diets Good for Everyone?

What's a Low Carb Diet Really Mean?When I hear low carb to me it means, "low sugar," or "less processed foods." If we'd all make an effort to avoid chips, cookies, cakes, high corn syrup drinks, and candy, then we'd be reducing our overall carbs and eating more healthfully at the same time.

EFT for Weight Loss - How to Stop Eating from Fear of Not Getting Your Share

Do You Sometimes Eat Because You're Afraid You'll "Miss Out" on Something Wonderful Otherwise?Have you ever finished a huge meal, Thanksgiving dinner for instance, and being so stuffed you couldn't possibly eat another bite, when suddenly someone showed up with another dessert? Did you suddenly find just a bit of space to eat a little more? That's eating out of fear; the fear of missing out, the fear of not being part of the group (everyone else is having some and you want your share too) and it has nothing to do with hunger.This same thing can happen with any feeling -- you may feel exhausted.

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Why Hims & Hers Stock Is Crashing  Investor's Business Daily

Weight-loss surgery has lasting benefits in teens  National Institutes of Health

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