Weight Loss Information

Your Eight Hormones and Weight Loss

If you find this article helpful, please forward it to friends and relatives. There are many physical, mental, and physiological benefits to regular exercise.

Doctor, Why Cant I Loose Weight and by the Way Why Do I Feel Sick?

�Doctor, Why Can't I Loose Weight and by the Way Why Do I Feel Sick? This the number one question heard in my office and in physicians' offices throughout America. There is a strong relationship between weight gain, difficulty in loosing weight and feeling sick.

Anorexia - a Game of Control!

Low self-esteem produces a game of control. It causes a person to suffer in silence - suffering that can lead to anorexia.

Speed up Metabolism

Metabolism is essentially the speed at which our body's motor is running. The speed at which our body burns calories is called the metabolic rate.

10 Surefire Ways To Survive Eating Out

I personally lost 60 pounds in 2003. Here are some tactics I used to lose the weight:1) Steamed instead of fried2) Brown rice instead of white rice3) Wheat bread instead of white bread4) Sauce and dressing on the side.

Can Eating Certain Foods Help You to Lose Weight?

The best way to lose weight is by consuming fewer calories than you expend or conversely, by expending more calories than you consume.Experts have discovered that certain foods can actually help you to lose weight without the stress of dieting or exercise.

Is Losing Weight The Same As Losing Fat?

Contrary to common belief, your weight is not really the indicator of a weight problem - the actual percentage of body fat is the true indicator. You need to know what percent of you is actually FAT.

You Can Lose Weight on a High Carbohydrate Diet

A startling fact is that carbohydrates are not responsible for making people fat. Don't feel too badly though, you are not the only person who was sold on the idea that a high protein, low carb diet was the only way to lose weight.

Fourteen Reasons Why Dieting Is Bad For Your Health

1. The lower the calories eaten per day, the harder it is for you to get your daily requirements of proteins and vitamins.

Three Sure-Fire Ways To Lose Weight Get Healthier & Feel Great Without Dieting

--ONE--Learn how to reduce the fat, sugar and salt content of your food and to enjoy fruit and vegetables. Use the nutrition guides on pre-packaged food to decide whether or not that product is best for you or your family.

Why Diets Are A Waste Of Time & Money - What You Can Do Instead

A 'diet' is always seen as a temporary measure. An unpleasant episode that must be endured in order to reach some weight target, often in time for a major event such as a wedding, your own or your children's.

Healthy Diet Answers: Want Fries With That Mister ?

Yes, my healthy diet has at times suffered at the hands of fast food, I admit it - I am addicted to fast food - it makes me feel good, it makes us all feel good, that's why its everywhere and thats why the fast food chains make millions. But let's face it, it's not that simple to be disciplined and no one's going to go to a restaurant with friends and tell the restaurant that they can't eat that rice because its white rice and it'll send my blood sugar levels sky high and release insulin into my body, can I have basmati instead ? - well, maybe just the hardcore diet enthusiasts.

The Most Under-Rated Aspect of Weightloss

If I were asked, "what is the most difficult thing many people find to do when they start a weight-loss program?", I would have to say right near the top of the list is this - they don't drink enough water!Few people realize at first just how essential water is to the success of their weight-loss program. In fact, the essential place of water in our diet extends to everyone - whether they want to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same weight! We all know we can't live without water, but just why is it so important? Well there are many reasons.

Turn Off the Fat Genes - A Book Review

Once in a while a good title comes along and "Turn Off the Fat Genes" is one of those titles that just have to be written about. If you are not familiar with Dr.

20 Ways to Lose Weight

20 WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT1. Take it one step at a timeStart by paying attention to what you eat.

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