Weight Loss Information

Lost Weight with Gastric Bypass & Now Youre Regaining - Fix It Fast!

I've talked to quite a few fellow gastric bypass patients recently and we all have one thing in common: About the third year after gastric bypass we get hungry. And we eat more.

Dropping Weight Too Fast After Gastric Bypass: What If I lose Too Much?

Weight loss is so consistent and rapid after gastric bypass surgery many patients begin to fear they may become emaciated. They ask, "Will my body know when it's time to stop losing weight?" Patients fresh out of weight loss surgery usually find this question absurd - Impossible! Lifelong dieters don't become emaciated.

Diet & Weight Loss Tips: How To Stop Eating Junk Food By Finding Your Craving Hour

Even if you're not overweight, you still could have a junk food craving; especially if you're cooped up in an office building, working 9-5 and not exactly having the best day.If you're like almost anyone else, you've probably had your share of cravings for some kind of excitement or satisfaction in the form of junk food.

Mediterranean Diet - Wonderful & Lousy Reasons for Losing Weight

Lousy Reasons to Lose Weight"I want to be a size 0.""You can never be too thin.

Obesity - How it Affects Your Health

1. Carrying around excess body fat will decrease your energy level.

Role of the Stress Hormone in Weight Control!

Eating when under stress isn't just about filling an emotional need. Your body has a system of hormonal checks and balances that actually promote weight gain when you're stressed out.

Obesity and Fat Control Myths

- Are your ideas of obesity and fat control based on a myth? -For years we heard that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet would keep us healthy and help us lose weight. And many of us jumped on the bandwagon.

Walking: Its Never Too Late to Lose Weight!

How did a thin person like me become overweight? My mother had probable Alzheimer's disease and I was her caregiver for nine years. During this time she lost the ability to read, understand television, converse with others, and the ability to speak.

Even Gastric Bypass Patients Hit Weight Loss Plateaus

Sometime, during the phase of rapid weight loss after gastric bypass surgery, many patients may find their weight loss is stalled. Talk about discouraging.

Exercise: Essential

The only absolute truth in the area of exercise and weight loss is this: Becoming more physically active will burn calories, and as long as you don't absorb those calories back by eating more, you will lose weight. Getting active and getting your muscles to burn more calories is an essential part of a weight management program.

Scientific Guidelines for Effective Weight Loss

If you have been dieting and haven't lost weight, stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will produce the same results you have already seen.Below you will find "Scientific Guidelines" for weight loss that have always been around, but are not followed by the majority of weight loss programs these days.

Weight Loss Strategies

If you want any weight loss program to work you have to perform "Strength Training". It's absolutely imperative during the course of a lifetime not only for weight loss goals but also for general health and well-being.

Weight Gain = Poor Quality of Life

Gaining up to 20 pounds over four years can significantly decrease quality of life, according to a study in the Dec. 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Technology & Weight Loss: Putting An Online Tool to Use

Because the Internet allows so many millions of people to be connected to any single site, function or feature, many programmers and marketing folks have put their heads together to come up with some really neat online tools. Many of these tools are not only useful and convenient, but they are often times free to use.

The Seven Secrets of Weight Loss

When embarking on a weight loss program people will almost always focus on just one or two of the seven necessary components needed to achieve their goal. In order to maximize ones weight loss results they must combine all seven components.

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