Weight Loss Information

Trying To Lose Weight? Dont!

Are you trying to lose weight?If you are, STOP!Funny thing to say coming from someone that wants to help you lose all the weight you want, right?Actually, there's a good reason.You see, you can't try to lose weight.

How to End the Food Cravings with EFT

Breaking Down Cravings One at a TimeI know you've heard of one-day at a time, but one-minute at a time? Come on, who needs that? Hum, maybe you. If you've struggled repeatedly, yet continue to fail in your weight loss efforts, what's going wrong? Was the way you tried to stop eating a specific food too restrictive? Did you say, "I'll never eat ice cream again," or "I can't eat cookies again.

The Mysterious Dr. Atkins Death

Dr. Atkins death was unexpected.

Understand the Science of Obesity And Youre On Your Way To Conquer It

Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that's not exactly true. An overweight person has a surplus amount of weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water.

20 Dieting Tips You Can Use Immediately To Start Losing Weight

Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin.

Obesity in America -- The Growing Epidemic!

Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people in the United States, where women are especially affected. Over one-third of women between the ages of 20 and 74 are obese, the majority of them being African American or Mexican American.

Diet and Weightloss -- Start Your New Year Off Right!

FINDING THE PERFECT DIETArriving at the Perfect Diet is no quick, simple task in today's world of fast-paced living. For example, there are several different educational food pyramid plans.

5 Tips To Losing Weight With Convenience Food

While it would be ideal to make all of our own snacks and meals from scratch everyday, the plain and simple truth is that most of us simply don't have that kind of time. This is where we turn to convenience foods to meet our dietary and weight loss needs.

7 Strategies To Stop Eating Junk Food!

FACT: Obesity accounts for 300,000 deaths a year in the U.S.

Top 5 Most Popular Diet Programs Reviewed

There are many subscriber programs available both online and in the real world for dieters. In order to help choose one or just learn more about them in order to help round out your daily life and coordinate your activities, foods - - i.

The Second Half of My Life

Have you ever wondered where destiny would lead you? Have you ever pondered whether the road you are taking would lead to fulfillment and happiness? Unlike so many of my friends and family, I have always had the sure knowledge of what was expected of me.It was under a shade tree surrounded by my teddy bears and dolls that it came to me- I would have six children, write books that would help families, have the opportunity to speak and teach all over the world, and I would live to be 97 years old.

The Best Carbs For Low Carbers

With the popularity of low carb diets such as Atkins, The Zone, and South Beach, more and more people are becoming aware of the bad effects to the body of too much carbohydrate consumption. As people try to cut down on their carb intake, it should be noted that not all carbs are created equal.

Weight Loss Through Low Carb Diet

Are you or your family members amongst the 65%?To help with weight issues and for overall improved health, many people turn to diets. In fact, government statistics show that while about 65 percent of Americans are overweight, 38 percent are actually doing something about it.

Fitness Resolutions

The holidays are now officially over and it's time to get back on track! January 1st is the day we all get to start over. A time to make the changes in our lives that we've wanted to make but got sidetracked along the way.

Good Night, Sleep Tight!

One of the most important things you can do for fat loss, controlling weight gain and for overall health is often overlooked. MORE SLEEP! Yes, you actually need to sleep more to gain less!A lack of sleep could be contributing to America's obesity epidemic.

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