Weight Loss Information

Understanding Bariatric Surgery

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity among adults has risen significantly in the U.S.

Atkins Diet Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL) Carbohydrate Ladder

The Atkins low-carb diet consists of four phases: Induction, Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance, and Maintenance. This article focuses on phase II of the Atkins diet, ongoing weight loss, or OWL.

Are Your Nutrition Habits Robbing You from the Body You Desire?

What if by making a few small changes in your nutrition and eating habits you could add up to a 50% gain in muscle mass and loose up to 18% extra fat.Well you could be robbing yourself of these gains just by not eating correctly and at the right times.

Weight Loss: Why Do 98% of People Fail on a Diet and How to Avoid this Easily

Everybody knows that 98% of dieters fail. But do you know exactly why does this happen?To understand this, let's probe a little deeper into the working of your own body.

The Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure

What is a mini tummy tuck? Officially called a partial abdominoplasty, a mini tummy tuck simply removes unwanted skin and fat from the area below the navel. This type of procedure has substantially increased in popularity.

Best Diet Type -- Losing Weight for Your Wedding

Choosing the right diet type is the most important decision you'll make, as you plan for weight loss success.The best plan to follow is designed to produce 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week.

Loose 10 Pounds by Drinking Water?

Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water.

What to Eat After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Many people are under the impression that gastric bypass surgery is the easy way out of obesity. However, those that believe this unfortunately misunderstand the operation and its lifestyle and mind altering effects.

Add High Water Content Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet For Fast Weight Loss

Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them.

Yes, You Can Lose Weight!

Weight loss is one of the biggest industries in the world! And for those of us that need to lose weight it is the biggest struggle of our lives! The industry takes advantage of the fact that we don't want to give up our "little pleasures" by telling us we don't have to. They also know we don't want to get all sweaty, out of breathe, and feeling pain, so they tell us we don't have to exercise.

On A Diet? Ensure You Get Enough Nutritional Supplements For Your Good Health

There is never any absolute certainty about what the nutritional requirements are for the human body of a certain age, size and gender. Scientific research on the subject takes a long time, and results are often not that clear.

Cellulite: The Biggest Female Epidemic

Cellulite is probably one of the most embarrassing of all physical faults that women have.Cellulite isn't just a problem with the obese or overweight either.

Obesity in Old Age May Disable, Not Kill

Many physical problems are related to obese condition, like difficulties in breathing, personal hygiene, pain in the knees and back and skin problems.Obesity is a risk factor for arthritis of the knee and hip, potentially disabling conditions.

What Cows Know About Weight Loss That We Have Forgotten

I want to talk to you about cows and what they can teach us about weight loss, or more specifically, fat loss. While it may not be obvious, we can learn a very important lesson from cows.

How Julia Roberts Can Help You Lose Weight

How would you like Julia Roberts to coach you on how to lose weight and have the body you want?In my practice as a psychotherapist and life improvement mentor, I teach my clients how their favorite movie stars can become their personal success coaches, in five simple steps. You can try the same steps to change your life.

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