Weight Loss Information

Fitness through Exercise for Life - Principles that Keep You Going for Life!

ATTITUDESIT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!Exercising has so many physical benefits that most of us can relate to, but what about the emotional and psychological benefits it brings? Physical fitness, I believe, touches far more than just our arms, arteries and waistlines. It touches our very soul.

Where Diets Go Wrong

When we discover that we are heavier than we want to be, we have a natural invlination to eat less food. We may skip lunch or eat only a tiny amount of our dinner in the hope that if we eat less our body will burn off some of its fat.

4 Tips for Fast Fat Loss Part I

Fat Loss Tip #1) Train With WeightsWorking out with weights when trying to lose body fat has numerous important benefits. First, an intense weight training session burns calories during the actual workout.

4 Tips for Fast Fat Loss Part II

Fat Loss Tip #2) Drink More WaterI know, I know, we've all heard this one over and over again. But how many of us really drink enough water? I'm talking at least 10 8 ounce glasses of water a day, minimum.

4 Tips for Fast Fat Loss Part III

Fat Loss Tip #3) Proper Meal FrequencyMeal Frequency (i.e.

4 Tips for Fast Fat Loss Part IV

Fat Loss Tip #4) Eat More ProteinYes, it's important to keep your protein intake high when dieting to make sure that you don't burn off any muscle tissue in your quest to get ripped. But that's not what I'm talking about.

Weight Loss and Huricanes? Weathering the Storm!

Do you know this year Florida will go through a surge in baby births? Think about it! More time spent inside last year. That's what it boils down to with more babies this year.

Weight Loss for Good! - The # 1 Secret!

The only way you will ever follow through on an exercise program is to be sold out. The military calls them "lifers.

Weight Loss Secrets -- It's About Perspectives!

Any dietary plan on the market has some portion of it that works, but the basic principle of any good eating program, no matter how sugarcoated, centers around calories IN- calories OUT.The eating "only one type of food diets" will not be effective, and such a restricted diet defeats you mentally.

The Psychology of Weight Loss - Getting to the Roots of the Matter!

The Psychology of Weight Loss - Your Approach!We have missed the boat and your boat is sinking fast. You have weighted your ship down with stats, calories, grams and pounds.

The Ultimate Weight Loss Attitude

We in the diet and exercise industry have our own opinions on what diets work and which ones are just sales gimmicks. This can be very discouraging to you the consumer.

Plan Your Way to Weight Loss Success

Like millions of men and women, I started resolving to exercise more and lose the weight for good. Months later, I haven't been to the gym any more frequently than last time I resolved to lose weight and exercise.

Weight Loss Psychology- Sticking to an Exercise Program!

IT'S NOT ABOUT THE NUMBERS!The health clubs are always racking their brains trying to figure out why they have such a hard time keeping members coming back. Most owners would argue that cash flow and profit margins are the most important reason to retain membership.

Resist that Snack Attack and Keep Your Diet on Track

When on a diet, snack attacks can hit hard and fast. Everywhere you go reminds you of what you can't have and what you want.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #8

Life is extraordinary filled with wonderful people to show up to teach us things. Mitzi, a special friend from high school, sent me a book, The Game of Life and How to Play It, when I was struggling with a sickness years ago.

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