Weight Loss Information

Acupuncture Weight Loss? Plus 5 Step Weight Loss Plan

I remember back in my senior year of high school - my best friend since 5th grade was living in France. He wrote that they didn't like Americans much.

High Carbs/Low Fat Diets and Cardio Vascular Disease

For the past 20 years, the American public has been bombarded with the message: "Fat is bad!" As a result, our food supply is now inundated with "low fat" foods, engineered foods and foods processed to remove natural fats. In every instance, low fat foods are loaded with carbohydrates.

7 Part Plan To Beating Childhood Obesity

Everyone from politicians to parents is talking about fighting the war against childhood flab. It is odd that in a relatively wealthy countries such as the US and Australia improving children's health, weight and fitness should be a problem but it appears to be a sticking point with many.

Theres Still Time for Your New Years Resolution and Lowering Body Mass Index

This year, we all made some of the typical New Year's resolutions. We want to quit smoking, spend more time with our kids, and drop a few pounds.

Body Wraps & Weight Loss

Body wraps can help tone and tighten the skin, improve blood circulation, detoxify the body and help mobilize fat so it can be eliminated from the body naturally. You do not need any special equipment other than a mixing bowl, heating pot and wrapping sheets like thin towels.

How To Be A Big Fat Loser In 2005

Now that the temptations of the Holiday season have passed it is time to stop feeling like a big fat loser and become one by losing all the fat you gained. And I am here to tell you how to do it in seven easy to follow steps.

Lose Weight And Get Healthy; Can Laughter Be A Cure For Obesity?

Once there were these two Nuns and they..

How to Spot False Weight Loss And Diet Advertising Claims

Flip through a magazine, scan a newspaper, or channel surf and you see them everywhere: Ads that promise quick and easy weight loss without diet or exercise. Wouldn't it be nice if - as the ads claim - you could lose weight simply by taking a pill, wearing a patch, or rubbing in a cream? Too bad claims like that are almost always false.

Weight Loss: N Y Millionaire Weight Loss "Secret" Revealed

It is a fact that about 70% Americans are overweight. There may be genetic, social and psychological factors involved in this problem.

Find the Right New Year's Resolution to Get into Your Best Shape Ever!

Yep, it is that time of year again! Time to moan and groan about the weight we gained over the holidays as we resolve to lose it all in the New Year! If memories of failed New Year's resolutions are haunting you, it is time you found the right resolution for 2005.The reason that most New Year's Resolutions fail is that they are too extreme or time consuming.

Tips for Effective Weight Loss

Weight Loss tipsAll throughout my childhood and teenage years I watched helplessly as my mother tried every fad diet under the sun. I recall one time she ate boiled cabbage and nothing else for a whole week.

The Health Effects of Being Overweight

Both men and women around the world are becoming fatter and it's partly because of our modern lifestyle, too much fatty food and too little exercise. Some people say, 'Why should it matter if I'm overweight as long as I feel okay?' But being overweight does matter because it increases the risk of health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers.

Half of our Nation is Overweight!

Experts say obesity will overtake smoking as the biggest health problem of the decade. They are predicting a quarter of the population will be suffering from weight related diabetes by 2013.

Spring Forage

Thankfully, winter does not last forever! In the spring there is no more temptation to dip into the white flour canister and whip up biscuits and gravy or grandma's banana bread. Ah, as the daylight hours grow longer, we lose the urge to rummage through the fridge for high carb "no-no's.

Saint Valentine Never Had it So Good

There are several theories on the origins of Valentine's Day. Some believe it originated on February 14, 269 A.

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